OCAT Guide & Tools
The Organisational Capacity Analysis Tool (OCAT) is designed to allow frontline organisations to reflect upon their strengths and weaknesses and identify areas for growth.
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About this resource
Every 18 months, the Freedom Fund supports grantee partners to utilise the Organisational Capacity Analysis Tool (OCAT). The tool is designed to allow organisations to reflect upon their own strengths and weaknesses and identify areas for growth. The Freedom Fund’s local Program Advisors serve as facilitators of the OCAT, following a multi-step process that includes a day-long onsite visit to administer the tool. Freedom Fund partners have funding specifically allocated for this purpose included within their grants. At the end of the process, Program Advisors and partners jointly discuss and agree to a customised plan for organisational development, which may include the usage of existing funding, provision of additional funding or other forms of support.
Included in this download are the OCAT, a step-by-step guide for facilitators and the full range of forms and templates that are used throughout the process.
Copyright © 2023 Freedom Fund. Permission granted to reproduce only if properly sourced and referenced.
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